Legal Stuff
Jo Langford and LLC are committed to providing quality consulting, coaching, products, speaker (and contracted therapeutic) services, advocacy and resources to clients, visitors, customers, colleauges and fans.
This website is intended to provide information, education and inspiration, and is intended to be an adjunct, not a substitute for, professional, medical or legal advice.
As a visior to this website, you acknowledge and agree that;
1) Laws and practices vary state-by-state, region-by-region, country-by-country.
2) Much of the information shared here can and (most likely) will change with time and with the rapid development of technology, science and culture.
3) It is in your best interest to confirm any content (and its relevance to your own life and circumstance) by doing your own research.
4) Any reliance on or use by you of any information available on this website shall be entirely by your own risk.
5) In no event shall Jo Langford, LLC nor any of its data providers or affiliates be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or exemplary damages arising from the use or the performance of this website or any of its contents, even if Jo, or such provider has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
Your Information
Again, my intention is to provide information, education and inspiration - with the intent of making individuals and their families' lives more healthy and pleasant, not less. I value both privacy and consent. If this website does collect your name and email for any reason, it will not sell to or exchange any personal information you provide with any third party without your clear, consent.
My Information
You may recieve notices from this website in the form of email/ newsletter to inform you about specials, related products, events and services or changes to this privacy policy. You may opt of out such contacts via a link at the bottom of referenced emails.
Content on this site is provided to you solely for your own, personal, non-commercial use and not for the purposes of resale, distribution, public display or performance or for any other uses by you in any form whatsoever. Unless otherwise indicated, you may display, download, archive or print a single copy of any information on this website (or otherwise distrubuted by for personal, non-commercial use.
This website (and newsletters) may contain links to other sites. Please be aware that Jo langford/ LLC are not resposnible for the content or privacy practices of such other sites. I encourage good digital citizenship, and urge users to be aware when leave this site, and to read the privacy statements of any other site- especially if said sites collect personally identifiable information.
Please feel free to contact with comments, questions or concerns.