Educate yourself. Empower your kid.
by: Jo Langford, M.A.
Talking to your kid about tech and sexuality is hard!
Words like “Media”, "Privacy", “Safety”, “Pornography” and even “Sex” have different meanings than they did a generation ago...
“Friend” is now a verb…
“Oral” is now a noun…
The adjectives around identity seem limitless...
Maybe you didn’t get the whole conversation from your OWN parents.
Maybe you worry your kids are more tech-savvy than you….
Maybe you want to be having “The Talk”, but just don’t know how….
Let me use my two decades of experience working with t/weens to give you the information you need to connect with your child/ren & help them make informed decisions and have the tools to go at sexuality, growing up technology and relationships with a sense of confidence and seriousness - having fun along the way, while doing as little harm to themselves and their peers as possible.